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J. Malcolm Garcia - McSweeney's 37 [antikvár]
DEAR MCSWEENEY'S, Well, I've arrived here in Paris! McSwemey's first foreign correspondent! Haven't had a chance to leave the apartment yet, but I'm telling you, I simply cannot wait to tackle this amazing city! A dream come true! Very, very, VERY excited! Europe, here I come! MIKE SACKS PARIS,...
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DEAR MCSWEENEY'S, Well, I've arrived here in Paris! McSwemey's first foreign correspondent! Haven't had a chance to leave the apartment yet, but I'm telling you, I simply cannot wait to tackle this amazing city! A dream come true! Very, very, VERY excited! Europe, here I come! MIKE SACKS PARIS, FRANCE DEAR MCSWEENEY'S, I recently invited my students to ask me any questions they had about a story I was teaching, Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." One student asked, "Hey, have you ever met anyone famous?" His classmates, many of whom have never met anyone more famous than me, were quickly enraptured by my answer, and seemed highly impressed by the ease and grace with which I interact with the rich and famous. Hence my reason for sharing several celebrity encounters here. My hope is that you and yours will be, at the very least, equally impressed. Bill Cosby (1986) When I was seven, my grandparents took me to see Bill Cosby's standup act. My grandfather knew the guy who owned the venue, and he took me backstage to meet Dr. Cosby. However, upon laying eyes on him, I backed off and said "That's not Dr. Huxtable." As we shuffled out. Dr. Cosby looked at me with an expression I can only describe as equal parts bemusement, surprise, and hurt. John E Kennedy, Jr. and either Madonna or Daryl Hannah (1987) My parents and I once stood next to John F. Kennedy, Jr. in a deli in Hyannisport. We said hello to him and he shook our hands. He had a blonde woman with him who I was pretty sure was Madonna. However, I've since been told that it was actually Daryl Hannah he was with. John told me his favorite sandwich on the menu was corned beef. I told him that mine was turkey and mayo, which he said sounded quite good, "quite good indeed." Jay Lena (1988) My father and I once stopped by his friend's auto-repair shop while Jay Leno was visiting. Jay posed for a picture with me and a bag of Doritos. After the picture was snapped, he giggled and offered me the bag. I said "I don't really like those chips" and he said, "Hey, hey, who's the comedian here?" Everyone laughed. Arnold Schwarzenegger (1989) I was with my grandparents at a seafood place on Cape Cod when Arnie and three big guys walked past us, smoking cigars and making crude jokes about women. I said, "Hey, it's Arnie!" Arnie winked at me and said "Hello, little man." I was surprised to see that he's actually about five-foot-nine. "I don't care for his stupid robot movies," my grandfather said quite loudly. Malcolm Jamal Warner (1999) I passed Malcolm Jamal Warner outside of Tower Records in Boston. I said, "Yo, Theo!" and he said, "What's up, my man?" I said, "Not much, I guess," and he said "All right! Good seeing you!" and kept walking. AMBITION Jonathan Franzen Antonia's very good-looking younger sister, Betsy, knew better than to expect even minimal tact or sensitivity from her husband, Jim—he had, after all, proposed to her with the words "If you want me to marry you, I'll do it," and she had, after all, accepted this proposal—and so she couldn't fairly be offended when Jim began to hint that she should have some work done. Jim's idea of a hint was to remark, while Betsy was seated at her bedroom mirror and doing her makeup, "Isn't it funny how people's noses and ears keep growing after the rest of the body stops?" Or to mention, apropos nothing, while the two of them were celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary at a midtown steakhouse where every busboy knew Jim's name, that he used to have a moral problem with plastic surgery but was "totally coming around to it now." Or, when they were out eating lobsters with Jim's arbitrage partner Phil Hagstrom and Phil's young second wife, Jessica, to reach across the table and put his butter-smelling thumbs on Betsy's eyebrows and stretch the skin between them and say, with a wide, instructive grin, "You're frowning again, baby." Betsy was proud of her natural assets, proud of the fact that they were natural— she could still, at forty-three, pass for thirty-six or thirty-seven—but she was also excited, in a dirty sort of way, to imagine reaping the benefits of augmentation, of compounding her native advantages, of strengthening her already impressive portfolio of looks, while being able to blame the procedures entirely on Jim and Jim's tactless demands, rather than on her own vanity. Almost every year on Election Day, she managed to "forget" to go out and cast her vote, or it was only after she'd
Cím: McSweeney's 37 [antikvár]
Szerző: J. Malcolm Garcia , Jess Walter , Jonathan Franzen Richard Onyango
Kiadó: McSweeney's
Kötés: Varrott keménykötés
ISBN: 9781934781869
Méret: 210 mm x 260 mm
J. Malcolm Garcia művei
Jess Walter művei
A szerzőről
Jonathan Franzen művei
Jonathan Franzen öt regény sokszorosan díjazott szerzője.

Javítások című művével 2001-ben elnyerte az amerikai Nemzeti Könyvdíjat.

A 21. Század Kiadó az új esszékötet után sorra újra megjelenteti Franzen regényeit, amelyek az ezredforduló legfontosabb könyvei közé tartoznak.
Richard Onyango művei
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